1955 – 1956
From 1955-1956 Census data shown that Thailand’s Opium farmers have been living in the northern mountainous areas cultivated the opium poppy as a cash crop out of the economic necessity. The main groups are Meo, Yao, Lahu, Lisu, Akha, Karen and Haw.
Not all of the hill tribes grow opium. It was believed that about 200,000 were so engaged. Production was estimated at 150 tons annually. The UN (United Nations) was invited in 1967-1970 to draw up recommenda-tions in collaboration with the Thai authorities for the progressive replace-ment of the opium cultivation by the alter-native replacement activities in order to provide a higher standard of living for the opium farmers.
In 1978, UNDP Thailand representatives visited CHAO THAI PU KAO shop in Chiang mai and persuaded to jointly the program. Mr. Theera Taksa-Udcm (Yail has established Chao Thai Pu Kao Highland Agricultural Projects (CTK-HAP) under supervision of CHAO THAI PU KAO. CTK-HAP is another unit to strengthen marketing capabilities of the Agricultural products from UN/THAI Projects.
In 1980, CTK-HAP started to buy RED KIDNEY BEANS from villagers. All the beans cannot sell to the markets because of weevils damaged. However, learning from the past the team tried to apply protection methods to preserve longer life to the beans. The market was grown with the contact farm and return market price warrantee. At the outset, the project encountered difficultly in marketing because of uncertain size of bean and relatively low value of replacement. The situation was philosophically commented upon by one of the village headman who told “we will follow your advice and will plant new crops. However,if we can’t sell them we will go back to grow opium for which there is always a market.” Arabica coffee is more appropriated as a good cash crop can be promoted in the long term to poppy growing farmers and also a large number of other farmers in the highlands as well. The main reasons for this are that land and climate is suitable for coffee growing, transport and storage of coffee is relatively easy, yields are good and that there is a strong demand for good quality highland coffee.
In 1981, THE MAGKINNON DISC PUPLER MACHINES was imported by the UN to Thailand and set up small pulping stations in key and satellite villages. ONE OF THEM WERE SHOW IN HILLKOFF : HOUSE OF COFFEE AND TEA. CHIANG MAI
On 7 December, 1971, UN fund for the Drug abuse
control in Thailand and signed final version of the work plan in 1 Septem-ber 1972. It reflects the views of the interested government departments and has also taken into account the needs of our beloved his majesty’s king projects for the hill tribes with which the joint uN/THAI crop replacement and community development projects will be closer associated.
From 1972-1979 The Thai / UN Crop Replacement and Community Developnent Project was imple-mented as a pilot projeet to explore the viability of replacing opium poppy culti-vation with a variety of substituce crops and alternative sources of income,combined with related community develop-ment activities. It was found that arabica coffee is a cash crop that can be promoted to replace opium in the long run and can provide high cash incomes, not only to poppy growing farmers, but to a large number of other farmers in the highlands as well. The main reasons for this are that land and climate are suitable for coffee growing, transport and storage of coffee is relatively easy, yields are good and that there is a strong demand for good quality highland coffee. Thus arabica coffee is very appropriate and viable as a cash crop to replace opium in the highlands of Tha land.
In 1985, with strong belief of our pioneer, we started investing for the future. The Coffee processing plant in Wang Sing Khum, Chiang mai was ready to operate. CTK-HAP announced to but Arabica beans from villagers. Many of coffee promoter’s staffs were sent to many key villages. Under supervision of many university researchers, UNDP staffs,Thai-Norway, Thai-German, NGOs and our key clients the green Arabica coffee has been improved their quality year by year to meet market recuirements. The first commercial aqual pulper machines BENTAL SIMPLEX was set up at the Wang Sing Khum Plants. CTK-HAP imported SUPER NUOVA coffee pulper machines for UNDP projects. In this year our first truck carried green ARABICA coffee for our plant and deliver to Bangkok. Many of the villages name come up with their pictures. Doi Sam Mun and Num Ru,Huai la, Mae Muang, Mae sala, Mae yene. Ban Pui Neua and Ban Pui Tai, Pang Hin Fon,Ban Pui Yang, ban Khun Tume. Ban Khum and Khob Dong, Ban Luang, Ban Pa Ka, Nor Rae. Mae Tho and Mar Tjo Luang, Mae Ab,Boh Lek, Ban Lao Lee, Ban Meo Kaos. Khun Wang All of those villages were not readily accessible, many were reached only after long journeys driving and on foot and others had to be visited by helicopter We passed a long hard times and difficult tasks. We have learned and learning tons of new know ledges.
In 1973,5-Key and 18 satellite villages was selected Doi Sam Mun, Ban Pui Neua, Ban Khum, Mae The and Khun Wang. And 2 experimental stations were set up Chang Khien Training and Development station and Suan Song Sang Doi Pui Station designed to provide long-term training and BEGAN TO PLANT COFFEE IN MAY 1973.
Coffee experiments conducted in recent months appear to have suffered heavily from diseases and pests. Trails have begun with seeds from Kenyaand New Guinea and others varieties from Brazil. Soil and leaf samples are being analyzed to determine the cause of disease. A coufee expert has expressed the view that if the new Arabica varieties which are resistant to mainly rust disease were introduced with the new methods of cultivation, coffee could have a cood future in the hills as a cash crop. Coffee grown experimentally in the past has primarily been of the Robusta type. Additional trials of Arabica planted are planned. A fellowship for a Thai Expert in coffee production and processing is being arranged by FAO.
In 1990 we begun roast coffee with small shop roaster (PROBAT L12). With our passion and desire to learn and increase our quality/satisfaction enjoyment scores,we devoted ourselves to producing the high quality THAI ARABICA COFFEE for coffee lovers.

เป็นเวลาหลายปีที่พื้นที่ภูเขาในภาคเหนือมีปัญหาการตัดไม้ทำลายป่า ทำไร่เลื่อนลอย และชาวเขาผู้อพยพเข้ามาสร้างรายได้โดยการปลูกฝิ่น จนทำให้เกิดปัญหายาเสพติด
For many years, there were many problems in northern Thailand,e.g,deforestation caused by shifting cultivation, narcotic issue because of opium grown by migrated hill tribes.
Forest Restoration
ปีผู้บุกเบิก ‘ฝิ่นสู่กาแฟ’ ริเริ่มจากแนวคิดของคุณลุงนักการป่าไม้ว่าที่ไหนสนขึ้นที่นั่นกาแฟขึ้น จึงรวมกลุ่มชาวเขาซึ่งเคยซื้อขายผ้าทอมือกันมา นำลูกสนตามพื้นป่าไปขายแต่ได้ล้มเลิก ไปเพราะชาวเขาหันมาตัดต้นสนเพื่อเก็บลูกสนแทน เป็นที่มาของการส่งเสริมการปลูกกาแฟ และลูกสนกลายมาเป็นสัญลักษณ์ของธุรกิจฮิลล์คอฟฟ์จนถึงทุกวันนี้
Our father who was one of ‘Opium to Coffee’ pioneers had gathered hill tribes and encouraged them to collect pine cones that has become our Hillkoff’s logo. He also supported them to plant coffee instead of opium.
CTK-HAP (Chao Thai Pu Kao – Highland Agricultural Project)
การพัฒนาการปลูก และผลิตกาแฟอย่างต่อเนื่องส่งผลให้ชาวไทยภูเขามีคุณภาพชีวิต ดีขึ้น ทำให้โครงการพัฒนาแห่งสหประชาชาติประจำประเทศไทยให้การสนับสนุน พร้อมขยายพื้นที่ปลูกเรื่อยมา จนเกิดโรงงานกาแฟแห่งแรกของภาคเหนือ ที่ใช้ในการ แปรรูปกาแฟอราบิก้าโดยเครื่องคั่วกาแฟนำเข้าจากต่างประเทศเครื่องแรก
Since coffee plantations had been continuously developed and impacted on hill tribes’ quality of life, UNDP provided support to expand cultivated area. The first coffee factory in the northern region was completed and equipped with the first imported machine.
Highland Agricultural Development
เมื่อปีที่ส่งต่อธุรกิจสู่รุ่นถัดไป ป๊ามีแต่กองกาแฟกองนี้ให้ลูกไปทำทุน’ ภาระกิจการพัฒนาเกษตรที่สูงจึงถูกสานต่อ และยิ่งเข้มข้นขึ้น เพราะไม่ใช่เพียงแค่การเพิ่มรายได้ให้ชุมชนและขยายตลาดการซื้อขายจากชุมชนสู่เขตเมืองเท่านั้น ยังต้องปลูกจิตสำนึกความรับผิดชอบต่อการรักษาผืนป่าของผู้คนบนพื้นที่ภูเขาเหล่านั้นอีกด้วย
As we are the next generation who have been handing over our father’s treasures, we are not only focusing on market expansion but also nurturing the people on highland to be responsible and protect the local forest.
Highland Innovation for Sustainable Livelihood
ในปัจจุบัน นวัตกรรมใหม่ๆ ถูกนำมาใช้ในการแปรรูปเพื่อต่อยอดผลิตภัณฑ์จากกาแฟ ไม่เพียงเท่านั้น ฮิลล์คอฟฟ์ยังก้าวต่อไปโดยให้ความสำคัญกับพืชท้องถิ่นชนิดอื่นๆ เช่น การพัฒนาสายพันธุ์กล้วยน้ำว้าจากกล้วยป่า ทำให้เกิดการแปรรูปผลผลิตที่หลากหลาย จากพันธกิจทั้งปวงก็เพื่อหวังจะเห็นผืนป่าที่อุดมสมบูรณ์ และ คุณภาพชีวิตที่ดีของผู้คนในพื้นที่สูง ส่งมอบปัจจุบัน ที่งดงาม ให้แก่ลูกหลานสืบต่อไปได้อย่างยั่งยืน
Recently, innovation has been our key to bring new products of coffee. However, we enthusiastically started paying more attention to local varieties such as our new cultivated banana from local wild banana, which could enrich an abundance of the forest and pass forward good quality of life of local people through the beauty of nature to their children, sustainably.